The comics that are blank in the lower left corner are the ones Ian wrote.
Except for this one.
Monty: Hello, I'm Monty, the professional golf player.
Monty: In order for me to get where I am today I had to practice night
and day.
Monty: So why stop practicing when I need to take a shit?!
Monty: That's why I use the Putt-Pooper, a revolutionary putting
system that enables you to practice while you clear out those demons.
I'll you do is place the Putt-Pooper green and you're good to go...
Matt: Who falls for this crap?!? I mean who really needs to putt while
they make a sacrifice to the porcelain idol?
Matt: I know I don't...
Matt: How 'bout you, JM?
JM: Nope...
Matt: And you, Ian?
Matt: Ian?... Matt: IAN?!?
Matt: Is that a Gasoline powered blender?!