[[Ian is playing video games, JM is watching.]]
JM: You know, I think video games are the new shared culture. Ian: How do you figure?
JM: Our parents' generation could always break the ice with any stranger by talking about what was on television. It was a baseline mutual experience that they could use to establish a sense of community. In fact, if you get almost anyone over thirty talking to each other, they can still strike up a conversation about what they used to watch when they were kids. I think it's going to be the same way with us and games. It'll be all like...
[[An older Ian and JM are shown.]]
Ian: And then after I bailed out of the car, it did a complete flip and completely ran over a whole row of pedestrians.
JM: Wow.
[[Back to present Ian and JM.]]
JM: At least we'll have some consistency in our lifetime.
Ian: If I'm going to be ready for the future, I obviously need to run over some more pedestrians.